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Van Essen Catering & Events

We thought it would be nice to share some client cases with you. It’s great to see the product qualifications and our enthusiastic side notes, but how does our product hold up in real life? The story we’re about to share is from one of our first clients. Yes, there were some bumps in the road, but that makes it much more fun to read, right? Nothing and nobody’s perfect, it’s what you do about those imperfections, that counts.

Paul van Essen is owner at Van Essen catering & events. His company not only promises the best, they deliver surpassing every expectation. Hospitality at its finest, if you ask us. Paul got a tip from a friend, while he was enjoying some time off. When he came to our office and production site and saw the trailer, he didn’t need a lot of convincing. It was everything he needed, and more. When he asked if Expandable could show the trailer to the rest of the company in Amersfoort, we showed up the next day. As it became clear to Paul that we held up the same bar of customer support as they do, the deal was done.

"With Expandable, we're not just investing in a trailer; we're investing in a partnership that understands and elevates our catering ambitions."
Paul van Essen
Van Essen Catering & Events

“When there ever was a problem, Expandable was always ‘just around the corner’ to fix it”, Paul says. Not that there were many, but still, things happen. The funny thing is, that Paul intended to use the trailer as a replacement for his old one, but ended up using it for so much more. He even rents it out to others at an event, after his work is done. The trailer is so diverse, well equipped and smart looking, anyone could have a use for it.

Welcoming entrance of Van Essen's Expandable trailer adorned with vibrant flower arrangements, showcasing their attention to detail and hospitality.

When we asked Paul if there are any improvements for Expandable, he gave a short but firm reply: "No. Any improvements that I could come up with are already in the newest model that I own. The only thing I’m curious about, is where Expandable will be two years from now. I mean that in the best possible way, because there is nothing out there that comes close to what they have to offer.” For us at Expandable it was quite a journey from the start to where we are now, but we couldn’t have done it without clients like Van Essen Catering.

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Living & Lifestyle applications

But wait – there is more. In the Sports & Hospitality market we serve more applications. Check out some of the others.

So let's talk business!

Interested to find out more about our unique movable spaces? Or would you like a demonstration of our Expandable Trailers? You are welcome to visit our facility.